Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Wool Gathering

Here are the goodies that I picked up at A Wool Gathering. This bag is the cutest thing! All together I spent a little over $30 there. If it were up to me, I would have spent a lot more. There were a over 100 booths full of yarn, roving's, jewelry, and other crafts. Plus they had alpacas, cashmere goats, bunnies, 10 different types of sheep and a few lamas. I took Makayla with me since she is getting into the yarn thing. I think she wanted me to buy her a cashmere bunny and an alpaca. If I had the land I would want to buy and alpaca. They are so cute!
She loved watching people spin and weave the best. She had all kinds of questions for those people. I think her favorite booth was the "hippie" booth. ( this fair thing was in Yellow Springs If your not from this area Yellow Springs is notorious for the hippie scene.) She just sat down with the "hippies" and talked and talked about yarn and crocheting. It was like she was with her own kind or something. I think in a past life she might have been a gypsy or something.
We watched all the animals get a "hair cut" as Makayla put it. She was so amazed how they make yarn. She even asked me why I don't spin. I would like to but I don't want my hobby to get to expensive, just yet. I gotta break James in slowly. All in all we both had a really good time. The fair is going on tomorrow to, I think I might just go back and take Bryanna with me. I didn't take her because, James has been working so much he wanted to spend time with her. That and I didn't want to chase kids in two different directions. If I go back, I can get more yarn! ( insert evil laugh here)
Oh! Oh! Oh! I almost forgot the funniest part. Makayla had to go to the bathroom. All I could find were to port-o-potties. So she goes in and I stand guard at the door. She was in there like 6 or 7 minutes. So I knocked on the door and asked her if she was done. She comes out and says..
" That sink in there, the water doesn't work. The soap smells funny to."
So I said, " Oh my God! That wasn't a sink. That is where boy's pee at and that wasn't soap. That is to make that bathroom smell better."
Luckily, they had hand sanitizer out on the side. So I put half the bottle on her hands. I guess everyone has to learn that lesson once.

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